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Web Site Traffic is So Important

No matter the nature of your web site, you’ll want to have as much traffic running through it as possible. Granted, you might actually be running a self contained site whose only purpose is to help you sell to a certain niche crowd, so you figure that you DON’T need traffic generators because the only traffic you need to attract is the people from your target market right? Wrong. No matter how specialized your site is, you can always benefit from additional traffic running through it. There are several reasons for this, ranging from simple common sense to ideas which should help you make more money if you implement them.

First off, no matter how specialized your website may be, added attention from other people may still matter one way or another. For all you know, a greater interest in your product, topic, or whatever else your website is presenting may crop up from people who formerly had no interest in the subject matter whatsoever, just because they visited your site and liked what they saw. This leads them to find others who ARE into the subject matter to ask more about it. Naturally, when they ask these people (usually in forums) about them, they also get asked how they heard about the subject matter. Voila! Your website’s name pops up, and if anyone on those forums hasn’t heard about your site before, they have now…

Another reason you’ll want more traffic coming to your site is that a lot of popular search engines not only rely on word-matching to place a website higher on their hierarchy. They also check the number of most recent hits on a site within a given time period. Basically, the higher the number of hits you’ve gotten, the higher you get placed on the search engine’s profile. This is a fact that is actually overlooked by quite a number of web sites, who think that having key words “designed” for a web site’s search patterns are enough to significantly increase their rank on the hierarchy.

On a money-making aspect, there are also quite a few web sites which earn additional revenue simply by getting visitors to look at their site. While not everyone opts for this, it’s generally a good idea to take into consideration. Earning even just a little bit of extra revenue for something as simple as adding links to other web sites on your site can be a low maintenance and effortless way to get money. Still, this assumes you can work out a deal with another site to begin with – and this is where having a high volume of traffic comes in. Sites which offer payments to other sites for posting links to theirs generally give better terms to those which have high volumes of traffic to begin with. If you have low traffic and suddenly decide to go this route, you might find yourself with stricter terms, like getting paid only when people click the links to their sites AND purchase something.

Whereas if you are a high traffic site, you might be able to work out getting paid per visitor to YOUR site as long as you post banners and ads for their site too. Generally, the higher your volume of traffic the more bargaining power you’ll have.

Republished with author’s permission http://InternetMarketBiz.com

To Make More Money, Partner with Your Anti-Doppelganger

Derived from the German language, ‘doppelganger’ roughly translates to “ghostly double,” or someone who nearly or completely resembles another but has no biological relation. When we choose a business partner, we often look for someone who is just like us – someone with the same ideas, same interests, same skills and so forth.

<img src=" www.homebusinessideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/doppelganger.jpg” alt=”To Make More Money, Partner with Your Anti-Doppelganger”>

But that’s just a marketing doppelganger and not the person you want to partner with at all. What’s the point in having two of yourself? There’s no added benefit, yet now you’re splitting the profits.

Instead, partner with your anti-doppelganger, the person who isn’t like you but instead brings complimentary skills and viewpoints to the business.

For example, if you’re really good at creating content but bad at the technical stuff, find someone who’s great at everything technical but isn’t a writer. If you’re great at setting up joint ventures and writing sales copy but you hate creating products, partner with someone who’s a product creating wiz.

If you find the right partner, you can make far more money than you can alone. But you’ve got to partner with someone who fills in your gaps and can do what you can’t.

And having differing opinions isn’t a bad thing, either. Instead of blindly plunging ahead when you assume you’re right, you’ll now have to justify your plan to your partner. It’s during this process that you’re far more likely to find the holes and prevent the mistakes. Plus you’ve got a second head to problem solve and to look for opportunities.

Do you see how powerful it can be to find the right person as your partner? And not only do you each fill in the gaps of the other, but there are added benefits as well.

For one, courage. When you’re going it alone, it can be scary to launch a new product. Is this the right time? Did you get everything set up correctly? Will it work? Will it SELL? But when there are two of you to succeed or fail, you know you’re not in it alone.

Another reason: Two heads are better than one, and also more available than one. You have an emergency and have to take a day off – who’s going to cover for you? Your partner. And when you have a problem or need a new idea, it’s guaranteed the 2 of you can generate 3 times as many ideas as either one of you alone.

Yet another reason: You’ll stretch yourself to keep up with your partner. He has a lot of experience in building software solutions and you don’t so what happens? You’re in the software business with a capable partner. You know how to create online events that bring thousands of people and she doesn’t? She’s learning a new skill just by being your partner.

So do you have to partner on everything? Of course not. You can have your own business, your partner can have her own business and then you create a third, separate business in which the two of you share equally in the work and in the profits.

This way you’ve got the best of both worlds: Doing your own thing in your own business and blazing new trails with a trusted partner.

One last thing – your partner does not have to be in your hometown. Plenty of online partnerships have enjoyed success across the country and across the world. In fact, there is an advantage to having a partner on the other side of the world and it’s this: They’re available to put out any fires while you’re asleep, and vice-a-versa. Not to mention your company will have much more of a world perspective when it comes to creating and marketing new products, which is always an advantage.

Keep your eyes open – your future business partner might be someone you already know, or it could be the person you’re about to meet. You never can tell when opportunity will knock.

Drive Traffic to Your Site by Email Marketing

If you are concerned about your website traffic, you only need to know that you are not alone in your worries. There are about a thousand other websites in the world that have the same aims and goals as yours; and there are millions of websites on the Internet. You have a place in the global market, but can you pull people to your side of the Internet universe and get them to buy your products and services? Even more simply and basically, can you pull people out of their Internet domains and drive them to your site?

There are many different ways to drive traffic to a website, and nearly all of them require a great deal of effort, if not thinking, on your part. You can tailor your website content to fit the requirements of search engines in a process called search engine optimization. This way, you can aid the search engines in finding your site, indexing it properly, and putting a proper ranking on it. When people start searching for your site using keywords or key phrases found in your site content, your site will show up on search engine results, and if you are a top ranker in search engine results lists, you will be seen immediately and you get the traffic that you need.

However, such a process can be tedious and costly, and it has to be done regularly. This can cause a strain on you if you are especially prone to having larger offline workloads, so if you are used to updating your site once or twice every few months at the most, you will have to hire search engine optimization specialists to do the work for you. This means more costs and more time spent editing and looking through the new content for your site.

On the other hand, if you would like to spend a little bit less time and money, then maybe you can look at email marketing. At its simplest form, email marketing is sending out emails to your potential clients and customers about the benefits of your products and services, as well as the features of your website. Email marketing is a little time consuming, but only at the start: you simply need to look for email lists of people who are going to be interested in your products and services, and you only need to tailor an email that will invite people and make them interested.

With this in mind, be reminded that email marketing is not spam. Spam happens when a server randomly sends out email to as many different people as possible, with no regard for how content can help these email recipients. On the other hand, email marketing makes use of third party institutions that actually collect email from people, such as offline banks or insurance companies, online businesses and service providers, and even schools. As long as a contract or information sheet says that the email will be provided to third parties, and the signer agrees, then the email can be shared with other people including you. The best way though, is to get the person to opt-in to your website by collecting their email address at your own website by having them requesting more information from you. Then you should be using an autoresponder but that is a topic for another day.

If you go straight to a third party list you need to select a list of people, obviously, who will be interested in your products and services. This means that you will have to do some market research and check out the demographics of your market. Are they young people who like fancy graphics in emails, or not so young persons who want a simple and straightforward email? Are they primarily women who might be more interested in household appliances and things for the garden, or are they primarily men who might like hardware stores and gadgets? What are their interests? What are their goals and dislikes?

These are only a few questions that you might ask before sending out that email. Moreover, use a secure server and a reputable one so that your email does not end up in the trash bin or the spam folder. If you use your mailing methods properly, and if you create a personalized letter that will convince people to buy your products and services, then you can be assured of profit soon enough.

Republished with author’s permission http://InternetMarketBiz.com

You Want Free Website Traffic

You want to increase the traffic to your site. The method widely used with great results is using the search engines rankings that improve your chances of targeting the audience for your site. Here is the process you can use to drive traffic to your site.

Choose your topic. You can get ideas from newsletters, competitors, books, magazines, and newspapers.

Research keywords that relate to your topic. Think about the keywords internet users will be entering into the search engines and any different meanings for the words that may be used. Expand your vocabulary in this step. Use this free source to locate keywords https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordTool.

You can use variations of words and phrases at this site to see how the search engines have presented results from the prior month. Your results will also show the bidding price for the keywords and phrases.

Research the competition by using the search engines to locate their sites. Study the top ten listed to see how they created their website. Use their techniques to improve your site.

Start writing your article. You have the keywords to include in the content. Use the different variations that search engines love to see in all websites and articles. Add some affiliate links in the article to promote your product and generate traffic.

Build your webpages. You have the written content with the relevant keywords and phrases. You know you will have traffic based on your research. Remember to add some of the techniques and content you viewed on your competitor?s site. If it is working for them it will work for you too.

Use the keywords within the titles of the different webpages. Put key phrased for ALT tags in the site. Add your article as a page on the site. Add images of the product to entice the interest of the readers. Show them what you have to offer. Link to other sites. Use quality links from sites with a high search engine ranking to boost the traffic to your site.

After you have completed the first page, you can build ten more pages with ease. Use the same technique from the original page as a template. You have been able to use the right methods on the first page by thorough research so finish the high quality website with confidence.

When you have a high quality website filled with interesting facts, contents, images, and links, you have become a site Google will recognize. You will achieve high rankings over time based on your hard work and efforts.

Now you will see the traffic gradually come to your website. It takes time for the search engines to see your site so be patience with the new website.

Republished with author’s permission http://InternetMarketBiz.com

Website Traffic Made Easy with Viral Marketing

A Viral Traffic Generator is probably one of the easiest ways to get your website’s hits up in a ridiculously short time. Everyone knows that traffic is the heart and soul of a website: it affects more than just the money you make, it also affects your ratings with search engines, and even gives you better ratings so that you can interact with other websites and your clients from a position of authority. Like a TV or radio station with high ratings and a large number of viewers, a website with high traffic ratings can bargain for higher prices with people when negotiating for advertisement space or placing links to other sites. And, just like a classic TV or radio media blitz, a Viral Marketing Tool is one of the fastest and most aggressive means of gaining traffic in a hurry.

The basic way a Viral Marketing Tool works is that it is, as it’s name implies, a harmless and purposeful computer virus. The only real purpose it has is to get you traffic – through any means necessary. There are many different kinds of viral marketing tools, ranging from the mild to the downright intrusive. You don’t really need to worry about getting slammed though, because viral software is perfectly legal. The more aggressive types simply toe the line a bit, but still stay on the sunny side of legality.

The milder forms of Viral Marketing software, for example, can be programmed like the classic e-mail spreading viruses, which detect all contacts on a person’s list and mail copies of your advertisements to those other e-mail addresses. And just like a virus, this process is self-replicating. The only real difference between your program and a harmful virus is that the only attachment to the virus is your ad, nothing more.

Other types of viral traffic generation software are a bit more pushy. There are, for example, ones which can rifle through a search engine’s word count optimization settings and it’s traffic counter, and “bombs” the search engine repeatedly so that you wind up getting more and more hits, jacking up your ratings as far as the search engine is concerned. For obvious reasons, this is frowned upon by most search engines, but a good viral marketing program will be difficult to detect and trace, leaving your hands looking clean.

Then there are the really pushy ones; these range from self-replicating pop up ads and banners with forced links to your site that spread throughout the internet, jumping from site to site and clinging to every person that even remotely touches a site with the program running on it. For purposes of keeping a clean reputation, this isn’t a very good idea, and can get you marked as “spam” by a lot of sites and email addresses. However, if your website’s revenue is mainly generated by hits in the first place, it is one of the fastest ways to make a quick buck.

Thankfully, even the most aggressive viral marketing softwares come with user-determined parameter settings, so you can tailor your little marketing virus to meet your specifications, like targeting only selected IP groups. Therefore you can, with a little imagination, make it work especially for whatever your website’s about. This added touch keeps you in control of what might otherwise be an overly intrusive online marketing tool.

Republished with author’s permission http://InternetMarketBiz.com

Making Money Using Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is one of the latest and greatest methods of advertising for business of many kinds. If it is done correctly, it can really increase the traffic to a website or number of customers to a store. Use the following tips to help you incorporate mobile marketing into your marketing plan.

Make your messages relevant. This is the most important aspect of mobile marketing. A text message can be very personal and it interrupts someone no matter what they are in the middle of doing. Avoid re-purposing an e-mail. Your text message should be short and very relevant to the audience whom you are sending them out to.

Offer special discounts or value to your mobile marketing customers. Because mobile followers usually require customers to elect to receive information, make it worthwhile for them to enroll. By offering greater discounts or better offers than those available through your web site or print marketing, you can increase the number of customers enrolled in your mobile program.

Be short and concise with your SMS messages for your mobile marketing campaign. Messages are limited to 160 characters, so put some thought into how to convey your information clearly yet briefly. If you use abbreviations in your messages, make sure they are commonly accepted and make sense to your customers.

Make sure your advertisements work for all types of mobile devices. If your programming is only accessible by one type, like an Android, you will lose out on entire populations of prospective clients from other platforms. Using cross-platform programming is the best method to attract the most customers to your business.

Get a location. Using a defined location on your media and mobile marketing actually interests a lot of customers. They like knowing where a business is, should they ever choose to visit that area. Take advantage of this by informing your customers of your actual location, and watch their interest grow.

Decide now whether you’re going to use QR or 2D codes in your mobile campaign. Your audience may not understand how to leverage certain technology out there, so you need to ensure that you’re going with something current, popular and people-friendly. You’re marketing to basic folks; not everyone will be tech-savvy.

Your natural inclination may be to send out unsolicited messages with your new mobile marketing campaign, but spamming people is never the way to go in any campaign. It is a huge turn-off and can possibly leave a permanent stain on your reputation and cause you to lose regular customers.

Enlist the help of friends and family to try out the effectiveness of intended advertising campaigns, mailings, websites and more. To get a truly unbiased opinion, you could pay an outside firm to test out your campaign.

Take the tips that you have learned through this article and apply them to your marketing plan. Your business is sure to benefit from the time and the energy that you put into your mobile marketing campaign. Keep with your plan and you are sure to see the results you seek.


Joseph Moreno is the Owner of http://InternetMarketBiz.com. Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

7 Ways to Succeed with Email Marketing

Marketing your business is a big job. You need to have techniques and methods that allow you to target your customers and clients in a way that fires them up for what you have to offer. Email marketing can be an excellent tool for your marketing strategy if you know how to use it. Here are some good tips to get you going.

You might need to try following up to your customers with an alert on a price increase. The email could include a link that says to act now in order to avoid this increase. The ending of the message could convince them to click on the link in order to understand all the details.

To help make sure you are sending out a good email marketing message, you need to test it in different formats beforehand. If you are sending out messages that your subscribers cannot read, then you will have unhappy customers who will not be able to view it. So make sure you are not wasting your time and your consumers with emails that will not properly show your message.

Use your email marketing campaign to offer customers a personal perspective of your business. Tell a story about how you got started and why you are passionate about your business while giving them a special promotion or offer. It will build trust in your clients and make them more apt to make a purchase from you.

The emails you send out as part of your marketing campaign should start out with a welcoming, personalized tone. Include the name of the recipient in the subject line and the opening of the message. This will make your customers feel more receptive to your message and be more likely to patronize your business.

Your job is only half finished once you hit the send button for your message. Follow up with any and all available analytic tools you have. Keep an eye out for the effectiveness of your message in terms of response. Follow up on anything that looks like it worked, like tailoring specific offers to sub-segments of your directory.

If you have to send out a long message, like a newsletter, use anchor tags near the top. Your subscriber should immediately see the headlines of the individual components of your message. This lets them jump straight to the ones that interest them instead of scrolling over the rest of it.

Make responding promptly to emails your top priority. If a potential customer reaches out to you through email, you ought to do everything you can to reply to them within one day. Waiting longer may cost you the customer, and they may mention the lack of response to others.

Email marketing can be a great opportunity to reach your clients and customers. If you implement the tips that this article has given you, you are likely to notice that your target market is more satisfied. Use the tips here to create a solid email marketing plan that ultimately raises your profits.

Republished with author’s permission http://InternetMarketBiz.com

How to Quit Your Job Now, Even if Your Internet Marketing Biz is Still Part-Time

The easiest way to go full time is to BE full time. That is, quit your daytime go-to-work type job and begin working full time online. When you’re full time online you’ll discover opportunities that otherwise would have passed you by. And you’ll be able to create a lot more opportunities as well, by having the time to forge relationships with other marketers, time to work on your own social media, blog posts and products and so forth.

How to Quit Your Job Now, Even if Your Internet Marketing Biz is Still Part-Time

But the problem for many is their online business isn’t making enough money yet to enable them to leave their job. And until they leave their job they won’t have the time to grow their business into a full time income. It’s a catch-22 situation that holds a lot of marketers hostage for years.

So how can you get some extra money coming in immediately? By offering services online. When you offer a service, it’s fairly easy to get clients and get paid. You typically won’t make a fortune, but you can make enough to replace your income from your job. And then you can use your extra time to create your own products, build your own sites and so forth.

Here’s a list of services you could offer:

Being a personal assistant to another marketer. This job is doubly great, because you’ll also learn as you earn. You’ll need a good variety of skills to land a VA position, but never underestimate the power of Google, either. Anything you’re required to do but don’t know how can be found on Google and YouTube.

Freelance customer service. Many marketers don’t want to hassle with support tickets, but they can’t afford to hire someone full time, either, because their own business isn’t big enough yet. Offer to do support 1 hour per day, 5 or 6 days per week for $10-$20 per hour. Get 3 clients and you have a nice little side income. And best of all, you can do these support tasks as you have time throughout the day from the comfort of your computer or even your mobile device.

Writing. This could be anything from simple articles and emails to full blown product creation. Content is hugely important and every marketer needs more great content. If you can write in a conversational manner and do good research, you can make money freelance writing. You might even ghost write books, too.

Copywriting. This is a little trickier than simple writing, in that your job is to sell with the written or spoken word. However, it can pay quite well if you’re good, and copywriting is a skill you’ll need to hone for your own business anyway.

Proofreading and editing. If you have an eye for details, you can be a proofreader. If you’re good at taking rough copy and turning it into something coherent that flows well and makes sense, then editing is for you.

Ebook formatting. Getting a book ready for Kindle or even to make into a sharp looking PDF takes skill. Can you do it? Then there are tons of marketers who need you.

Graphic design. Are you good at Photoshop? Can you make headers, product covers, logos and so forth? Then this is a great way to make some extra money.

Website design, maintenance, security, SEO and so forth. In other words, anything and everything technical. If you’re good at the technical side of online marketing, you’ll always have work because the majority of marketers really don’t want to bother with it – they’d rather hand the work over to an expert such as yourself.

And anything else an online marketer needs

In the course of building your own business, make a note of the many things you’re having to do. Ask yourself, “is there a market for this service? Do I enjoy performing this service?” If so, then you’ve got a skill you can sell to others to make ends meet until your own business is running full steam ahead.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

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Don’t Stress over Making Money Online

Stress is a part of everyone’s life, but staying stressed out does not have to be. There are always going to be things in your life that you have no control over, but you do have control over your reaction to those things. Being overly stressed not only harms you mentally, it also harms you physically.

Reducing stress in your work life may be as simple as challenging your own thinking on the things that cause stress. For example, if you are stressing out about work, sit down and make a list of things that you need to do. Next, write down the things that you know that you can do today. This allows you to set realistic goals, and eases your mind a great deal. You may also identify where you may be stressing over things that MIGHT happen. This is unnecessary and negative.

If you are looking to reduce your stress, a great way is to take a positive approach to your situation. We tend to feel the most stressed when we feel the most out of control. By taking an active role rather than a passive role in your situation, you will feel much more control over the situation, which in turn means less stress.

One way to reduce stress is to go to bed an hour early. If you do this, you probably will naturally wake up before your alarm, which is a very relaxing feeling. By going to bed earlier, you will feel as though you have all the time in the world the next morning.

Acupressure performs the same functions as acupuncture, but it is performed by the fingers instead of with small needles. Acupressure is a form of very directive massage, and it goes a long way in relaxing the body and reducing the stress level. Check into acupuncture, and see what it can do for you.

Exercise is wonderful to relieve stress. It gets your heart rate pumping and takes your mind off of the stressful events in your life. Consider activities such as walking, tennis, running, swimming or biking. Stress related chemicals are burned off during exercise and it is healthy for you and your heart!

One great way to deal with stress is to be sure that you are not projecting your stress upon somebody else and taking them down with you. This is important because you need to deal with your own stress yourself and not assert blame on anybody if they are not responsible.

One great way to deal with stress is to consider taking a multi-vitamin. This is important along with a healthy diet because your stress might be worsened by you not getting all of the needed nutrients in your regular diet. It is important that you have a well balanced diet in order to be at your peak both physically and mentally.

As you can see, there are many positive ways you can deal with your stress. Stress is unavoidable, and you will always have to deal with it, but the better you cope with it, the healthier you will be. Follow these tips, and you will find yourself better able to deal with your stresses.

Republished with author’s permission http://InternetMarketBiz.com

Every Web Site Needs Traffic

No matter the nature of your web site, you’ll want to have as much traffic running through it as possible. Granted, you might actually be running a self contained site whose only purpose is to help you sell to a certain niche crowd, so you figure that you DON’T need traffic generators because the only traffic you need to attract is the people from your target market right? Wrong. No matter how specialized your website is, you can always benefit from additional traffic running through it. There are several reasons for this, ranging from simple common sense to ideas which should help you make more money if you implement them.

First off, no matter how specialized your website may be, added attention from other people may still matter one way or another. For all you know, a greater interest in your product, topic, or whatever else your website is presenting may crop up from people who formerly had no interest in the subject matter whatsoever, just because they visited your site and liked what they saw. This leads them to find others who ARE into the subject matter to ask more about it. Naturally, when they ask these people (usually in forums) about them, they also get asked how they heard about the subject matter. Voila! Your website’s name pops up, and if anyone on those forums hasn’t heard about your site before, they have now…

Another reason you’ll want more traffic coming to your site is that a lot of popular search engines not only rely on word-matching to place a website higher on their hierarchy. They also check the number of most recent hits on a site within a given time period. Basically, the higher the number of hits you’ve gotten, the higher you get placed on the search engine’s profile. This is a fact that is actually overlooked by quite a number of websites, who think that having key words “designed” for a website’s search patterns are enough to significantly increase their rank on the hierarchy.

On a money-making aspect, there are also quite a few websites which earn additional revenue simply by getting visitors to look at their website. While not everyone opts for this, it’s generally a good idea to take into consideration. Earning even just a little bit of extra revenue for something as simple as adding links to other websites on your site can be a low maintenance and effortless way to get money. Still, this assumes you can work out a deal with another site to begin with – and this is where having a high volume of traffic comes in. Sites which offer payments to other sites for posting links to theirs generally give better terms to those which have high volumes of traffic to begin with. If you have low traffic and suddenly decide to go this route, you might find yourself with stricter terms, like getting paid only when people click the links to their sites AND purchase something. Whereas if you are a high traffic site, you might be able to work out getting paid per visitor to YOUR site as long as you post banners and ads for their site too. Generally, the higher your volume of traffic the more bargaining power you’ll have.

Republished with author’s permission http://InternetMarketBiz.com

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