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How to Get an Army of Affiliates PAYING You to BUILD Your List of Buyers

Yes, you read that headline right. In fact, you might even want to read it again.

You can totally get affiliates to PAY YOU for the right to send you buyers.

Case Study: How to Get an Army of Affiliates PAYING You to BUILD Your List of Buyers

Here is a case study: I ran across this a couple of years ago, and I have to say I was impressed. In fact, I just about joined this myself, and I’m a seasoned pro. This was done by a group of seasoned marketers, but there’s no reason why a new marketer or marketers couldn’t do it, too.

Last time I checked, this funnel I’m about to describe is still up and running and going strong. I don’t want anyone to actually steal their exact system, sales copy and funnel, so I’m going to just give you the highlights and you can fill in the rest:

First you start with a sales funnel. You’ve got a squeeze page offering a terrific little “how to do marketing” type of lead magnet. Once visitors grab the lead magnet, or even if they try to click away without picking up the lead magnet, they are then directed to a sales page for an online marketing membership site.

The membership site has several levels, with the lowest level being free to join. Of course they highlight the free level in the headline to keep people on the page, and then they extoll the virtues of the other levels. Each level has more and better content, better support and so forth.

The free level is fairly basic, but does give enough info for a newbie to make a start in making money online.

And of course each level is more expensive than the previous level, with the prices skewed a bit to encourage visitors to choose the highest level.

I’ll give you an example of that pricing to give you an idea of what I’m talking about:

Level 1: Free

Level 2: $29 per month

Level 3: $44 per month

Level 4: $49 per month

These aren’t the exact price points they used, but you get the idea. You see there is very little difference between level 3 and 4 in terms of price, but in terms of content there is a big difference.

This is a great psychological strategy, because it gets the prospect to study the differences between levels 3 and 4 while forgetting all about level 2.

And of course if they’re going to get a paid membership, they’re most likely to choose level 4.

The content is drip fed each week…

…and if you’ve been paying close attention, you’ve realized I haven’t really shown you anything new yet.

Here it comes, so hang on to your seat, because THIS is how you get affiliates to PAY you to send you a list of BUYERS:

(I love this bit!)

All of the levels offer a built-in affiliate program that sets the affiliates up to sell their own memberships for all of the levels they qualify for.

This means if they are a level 2 member, they can give away level 1 and sell level 2. If they happen to sell level 3 or 4, they still get paid, but not as much.

But if they are a level 4 member, they get to sell all four levels and KEEP ALL the money.

That’s right – they get to keep 100% of what they sell if they are level 4.

I hope this is making sense. It sounds complicated at first, but it’s actually fairly simple once you understand the concept.

Thus you’ve got affiliates paying (in our example above) $49 a month for the privilege of selling memberships and keeping all the money.

That’s a great deal for the affiliates, right? Absolutely. You can see why I almost jumped on it.

The affiliates don’t have to worry about hosting, fulfillment or any of that stuff, because the membership takes care of all of that.

The affiliate gets a unique sales page URL, squeeze page URL and membership area.

The content is automatically drip fed into that member’s area. The subscriptions are managed for them, the levels are managed for them… all they have to do is make sales by promoting their squeeze page URL.

The affiliate gets to build a list of prospects and buyers simply by promoting the URL, and of course they are earning residual monthly income, too.

The list of prospects and customers stays in the system and cannot be exported. Affiliates can only email their lists from inside the system. So if they drop out and stop paying their monthly fee, they lose their lists.

This can make for some very sticky affiliates who never leave.

Now for the icing… in the terms and conditions, it is made explicitly clear that the membership site operator(s) have access to all of the prospects and customers who sign up.

This means they can email prospects and customers any time they like, making any offer they like. PLUS the site owners can also place offers in the membership area as well.

Now think about what I just said… affiliates are paying you $49 a month (or whatever price point you choose) to be able to build you a list of prospects and customers.

And the affiliates are getting a terrific deal, too, getting 100% monthly commissions and the ability to email their customers and prospects from within your website.

It’s a true win / win for everyone involved, and done correctly it can yield a tremendous amount of prospects and buyers for you, as well as excellent monthly income to pay for a very nice membership site and have money left over.

When I heard about this, they were making five figures a month from the membership site fees alone. This doesn’t include what they were earning from mailing to their ever-growing email lists, or from the special promotions they continually placed in the members’ area.

Imagine if you were earning 5 figures from your membership site AND having a team of affiliates working hard to build your list of prospects and buyers. Sweet.

I wish I had started my first site this way – I’d probably be retired today.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps


Is Your Sales Funnel Making You $24,000 a Month Automatically?

If not, then read on…

Is Your Sales Funnel Earning $24,000 per Month Automatically?

And by the way, this is an advanced variation of the Skype slots technique taught earlier. You might start with that one, and then graduate to this one when you’re ready.

If you think about what’s living in the ocean, you’ll realize there’s everything from so-small-you-can’t-see-it plankton, to whales the size of apartment buildings.

The same holds true for people on your lists and in your funnels.

There’s the freebie seekers and tire kickers who will never become customers. Yes, I suppose you could say they’re the plankton. And they get directly or indirectly eaten by most everything else in the sea.

Working your way up, you’ve got tiny fish, bigger fish, crazy big fish, dolphins, small whales and HUGE whales.

Which is to say, you’ve got buyers who will buy the $7 ebook, ones who purchase the $47 product, some who buy the $297 course, and even a few who will spend thousands of dollars if you let them.

But if you’re not providing these big spenders with the opportunity to spend big money, then YOU are missing out. Big time.

So let’s talk about trust. Someone joins your list and doesn’t know you from the hairball your cat threw up last week.

But they read your stuff, like it, and buy that $7 ebook.

Wow, they’re impressed and they want more. They purchase that $47 product of yours, devour it, and want more.

So they buy the $297 product and they’re still happy. In their minds and hearts, you have progressed all the way from stranger-danger to THE ALL-KNOWING EXPERT, and they are looking to you for the answers.

So what do they want? Depends on your niche, of course, but let’s say it’s online marketing and they want to build a five figure a month funnel.

Think about that – five figures a MONTH. Very doable, but they need help.

They’ve purchased your comprehensive, A-Z course that tells them exactly what to do every step of the way. For this privilege, they’ve paid $297, or $497, or whatever you charge for your very best course – the one that is worth FAR MORE than what you charge.

Now then, you have identified them as being either a very big fish, or perhaps a whale. So what do you do?

99 out of 100 marketers at this point will try to sell them an affiliate product. Big mistake.

Remember, in their eyes YOU are the expert. So why are you trying to sell them somebody else’s course? It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to them at this point. Maybe in a couple of months if they haven’t purchased anything else, THEN you sell them on someone else’s product. But right now YOU are what they want.

So here’s what you do – immediately after the sale of your big course, you offer them your personal one-on-one help in building their 5 figure a month sales funnel.

Once a week they can jump on Skype with you for an hour and ask you ANYTHING. You will hold their hand, keep them accountable and help them to build that funnel FAST.

And for this one-on-one help, you will charge $2,000 a month. Or more or less, depending on how comfortable you are. I know major marketers who charge $3,000 to $5,000 for this exact type of coaching.

Of course, this is only going to appeal to people who are truly serious and also have the money to invest in their future. These are the same folks who can afford to outsource most everything on their funnel, as well as pay for advertising to immediately begin making real money.

If they don’t take your offer right away, you make the offer again in a day, and again and again over the next couple of weeks.

But you only take 10 or so clients at one time, because hey, you are investing your time into this and you only have so much time in your day.

Things to know:

This is an offer you make in-house only. No big launches, no affiliates. It’s only for the big whales on your list who know you, trust you, and are serious about getting real results fast.

Yes, $2,000 or more sounds like a lot. But for the right kind of client, it’s an outstanding investment. For example, $2,000 a month to build a five figure a month income? It’s a no–brainer if they have the money.

Clients who take your offer will naturally get better results and FASTER results because of your coaching, compared with those who go at their own pace with your course.

You are keeping them on track, keeping them accountable, and helping them overcome any obstacles they might face. Plus when people invest that kind of money, they get serious about what they’re doing.

Because you already have a step-by-step course, everything is already laid out for them. Thus you won’t have to worry about teaching a lot of detail on the calls. Instead, you’re focused on helping them make serious progress fast.

If you’re not comfortable starting at $2,000, then pick your own number. Get testimonials from your clients, and increase your fees accordingly.

If you took a poll of online marketers who make more than $100,000 per year, I bet you’d find that at least 4 out of 5 paid for 4-figure a month coaching when they were learning. That’s why they make six figures now.

One last thing: If you have 10 clients each month paying you $2,000 a month, that means you are starting each month with $24,000 of income. And that’s in addition to the rest of your marketing efforts.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps


Simply Irresistible Prospecting Lead Magnets

I’m going to use the online marketing niche as our example to explain this technique, but keep in mind this could work equally well in other niches, too.

Simply Irresistible Prospect Lead Magnets

Consider this: When people have a specific problem that’s driving them crazy, they’ll do almost anything to fix that problem NOW.

For example, a bride-to-be has an acne outbreak the day before her wedding – what wouldn’t she do to fix her problem?

A woman is in immediate danger of losing her job – what wouldn’t she do to convince her boss not to fire her?

Parents are losing their child to alcohol – what wouldn’t they do to save their child?

Their need is great and immediate. Do you think they might pay to find the solution? Of course. Do you think they would enter their email address into an opt-in form to get the solution? You bet they would!

So how do we use this knowledge in a niche such as online marketing? Simple: If you pay attention to forums and blogs, you’ll notice there’s always some sort of online marketing crisis.

For example, Google just changed how they rank websites, and now thousands of online marketers are losing tons of money. Think they might like the solution?

Paypal is suddenly seizing accounts without warning and freezing the funds. Would the account owners like an answer on how to unfreeze their accounts? Would everyone else like to know how NOT to get their accounts frozen? You bet.

Facebook just changed (fill in the blank) and now marketers are unable to (fill in the blank) or maybe they’re banned, or…

Aweber just did the unthinkable, and marketers everywhere are freaking out.

XYZ hosting site just got hacked, big time. Websites are down and backups are missing – what to do?

The list goes on and on. Keep tabs on the forums and you’ll find a new crisis every month and often every week.

As you’ve probably already guessed, your lead magnet is going to offer the solution to the latest marketing crisis. Just imagine how fast marketers will give you their email address when you have the answer they desperately want NOW.

Right about now you’re asking, “But how am I going to find the solution when they can’t?”

Good old-fashioned research, that’s how.

Go to the help sections of the websites involved in the latest crisis and find out everything you can. If possible, call the website and ask all the questions you need to ask. Hit the chatrooms and forums and glean all the helpful info that is available. If you find an expert who knows what s/he’s talking about, do a quick phone interview.

Timing is everything on this, and you have got to act fast. If the crisis hits on Monday, ideally you want your lead magnet up no later than Tuesday to take full advantage of the tsunami of new leads you’re going to get.

And by the way, when you’ve got the solution everyone is desperately looking for, what does that make you? The trusted expert and authority, that’s who. Do you think people will open and read your future emails? You bet your life they will.

Now here’s the trick to getting your squeeze page in front of as many of these marketers as possible:

Outsource people to search out forums and threads where marketers are talking about this problem. If someone is looking for help, that’s where you want a link to your solution. Have your outsourcers post a link to your squeeze page offering them the answer they seek.

Yes, it’s that easy.

Oftentimes that thread and even your post offering your lead magnet will end up on page one of Google for that particular search.

Not bad, right?

And here’s the best part – your opt-in rate will be sky high. It will almost certainly top any squeeze page you currently have.

One more thing – if you want to take this just one step further, it can blow wide open.

Get podcasters to interview you, and do guest posts on as many blogs as possible.

Think about it – this problem is all over the online marketing community. What podcaster or blog owner doesn’t want to have someone with the solution to offer their listeners and readers?

Just one post on a major blog or podcast can result in a thousand subscribers in 48 hours.

Remember to position your solution not just as the answer to the problem, but also as the way to AVOID the problem for all those who aren’t already experiencing it. This way you’ll be able to grab not only the marketers looking for a solution, but also everyone else who wants to avoid this headache.

Wealth loves speed. Now go find the latest crisis, research the solution and start building that list.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps


How to Make $500 a Week Selling Skype Slots

Okay, your results will vary on this one. Frankly, I don’t see any reason why a person can’t make $500 per DAY, but as always, it depends on what you do with the info I’m about to share with you.

Make $500 a Week Selling Skype Slots

First, there is a stipulation – you must be really good at something that others want to know about. For example, if you’re really good at solving a particular problem or reaching a particular goal, then this might be right for you.

Let’s say you know how to list-build like crazy while spending very little money. Or you know how to write copy that converts, or how to get far more done in less time, or how to get podcasters to interview you, or…

The possibilities are endless. As long as you have a skill or knowledge that other people need and want, you can do this.

If you don’t, first get a skill and then do this.

And by the way, you’ll find this work rewarding and interesting. Plus you’ll make new friends, associates and business partners, too.

You can do this if you have a list, (best option) if you’re willing to advertise, if you’re willing to do guest posting, etc. Really, any method of getting qualified traffic can be used.

You’re going to advertise 30 minute brainstorming, troubleshooting or mentoring slots. Choose the term that works for you.

And you can do this in any niche, by the way, not just online marketing.

Charge a low fee when you start out – maybe $99 for 30 minutes. Once you gain testimonials and experience – which shouldn’t take more than a couple of weeks – significantly increase your price.

Ask your clients to send you any info you need for the call ahead of time. For example, if you’re doing website consultations, then of course you’ll need their URL. If you’re doing personal coaching, you might ask them what their biggest obstacles are, and so forth.

This allows you to prepare for the call. Later as you gain more experience, preparation won’t be as necessary.

But in the beginning, you want to build your own confidence so you instill confidence in your clients. Plus, you want to be able to give them the best advice possible. And sometimes that might mean doing some research prior to the call, especially if you’re somewhat new to the topic.

Personally, I’ve paid people as much as $1,000 for 30 minutes of their time. In return, I once saved 3 months of work and $5,000 in capital (I had a business idea that I learned from my expert wasn’t viable.)

And I’ve easily made 5 figures from just one consultation, resulting in a huge return on my money.

So yes, people DO pay for information, guidance and one-on-one help. And yes, you are providing a valuable service, assuming you know your topic.

You don’t need to be famous in your niche. You don’t need to be a guru. You just need to have a skill or knowledge that people want.

Do other people turn to you for advice? On what topic?

There’s your niche.

Have faith in yourself and your knowledge and you’ll do fine.

Be sure to ask the right questions. In fact, you might keep a list of questions handy. Once you know where your client is in whatever process you’re teaching, and where they want to go, then you can help them.

That last sentence, by the way, is a goldmine. Here it is again:

1: Find out where your client is in the process you’re teaching. How far along are they? What have they done so far? What are they about to do? What results have they gotten so far?

2: Find out where your client wants to go. What is their end goal? How do they plan to get there? Why do they want to get there?

3: Use your knowledge to help them get to where they want to be. What are they missing? What don’t they know or realize? What obstacles can you help them overcome? What shortcuts can you show them? What should their plan be? What is their very next step?

Things to know:

    • – Done right, you can get clients to book regular weekly time slots. For example, let’s say someone wants you to teach them different ways to get traffic.

On the first call, you might only have time to teach them one method.

Let them know you have a dozen more proven methods you’d be happy to teach them – given the time – and offer a weekly slot.

If they actually take your advice from the first call and start to see results, they will be back.

Or perhaps someone just needs you to keep them on track and making progress. You are now their coach, so naturally they’re going to be booking a weekly time slot with you.

– Let your clients record the calls. They will forget 90% of what you tell them if you don’t let them record, so yes, just let them.

– Provide tons of value, but forgo the firehose. Let’s go back to the traffic example: It’s better to teach one method of traffic generation really well so they can immediately put that knowledge to work, than it is to try to teach a dozen methods in 30 minutes.

If you try to teach too much too quickly, they won’t have enough details or confidence to implement what you teach. Plus you’re robbing yourself of potential repeat business.

– All you need to get started is a sales page offering your services and a Skype account. And use a scheduling service to schedule your appointments.

– Once you raise your prices enough to justify it, you might record the calls yourself and have them transcribed and sent to the clients.

This makes a nice added touch that provides real value, since they don’t have to go back to the recording each time to find out what you said.

– Ask for testimonials. Don’t be shy about this. Follow up via email and ask for their opinion of the call.

Ask specific follow up questions. If the answers you get back are positive, then ask for a testimonial.

– If the answers you get back are negative, fix it.

Maybe they didn’t understand something you said and were afraid to ask for clarification. Maybe they didn’t feel you understood their needs.

Whatever it is, fix it and fix it fast. When you do, you’ll often have a client for life.

Perhaps the most valuable point of all is to relax and have fun. The more relaxed and confident you are, the better your ideas will flow and the better advice you’ll be able to give.

Plus it’s important that the client enjoy the call in addition to receiving great information.

Make it fun for both you and the client – as well as highly educational – and you’ll get plenty of referral business, too.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps


Here’s 6.5 Ways to Fix Your Thank You Page!

Is Your Thank You Page Hurting Your Business? Here’s 6.5 Ways to Fix It…

Someone joins your list and what do they see?

Is Your Thank You Page Hurting Your Business?

“You are subscribed. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking this link. Thank you.”

Wow! That really built some rapport, now didn’t it! I tell you, I am so fired up about being on another list that I could just… well… actually I’m not, and I think I will unsubscribe. Thank you.

If the above example is anything like your thank you page, then you’re blowing it.

Your thank you page is an excellent place to build rapport and get your new subscriber to become even more invested in your budding relationship.

With that in mind, here are 6.5 ideas of what you can do with your thank you page that won’t have new subscribers turning away in boredom, annoyance or revulsion:

1. Learn more about your new subscriber

They just gave you their email address and maybe their name – now ask something that will help you with your marketing and show that you are interested in them.

Examples are:

    • What do they most want to learn about ___?
    • What is their number one goal?
    What is the biggest challenge they face right now?

2. Get more shares and more subscribers

    • Ask them to invite their friends through social media to get your incentive or lead magnet.

In return, you’ll reward them with something even better than the initial offer that made them sign up in the first place.

3. Build authority and credibility

    Demonstrate that they made a wise decision in joining your list by showing the previous reviews and testimonials from your biggest fans.

4. Sell the lead magnet – again

    • Done correctly, your lead magnet is an excellent representation of your expertise. But it won’t do your new subscribers any good if they don’t consume it. So remind them of what they’re about to discover by using short, snappy bullets like this:

“Congrats on getting your copy of “Hidden Traffic Strategies.”

You can download it from the link below.

When you do, you’ll discover:

The toilet paper method to getting traffic on demand – page 6
The annoying email that doubles referrals – page 12
The surprising way to triple your traffic every week, like clockwork – page 15

5. Send them to your blog

    • Or send them to your most popular video. Or…

The key here is to get them invested in you, so they can begin using what you teach to get real results in their life. When they do, they’ll be back for more.

6. Promote something

    • Make them an offer they can’t refuse. This is an especially great time to offer that year old $197 course of yours for, “Just $11, One Time Only, Grab it Now.”

Build the value as though you are selling it for $197, and they will buy it.

When they do, you have something much more important than $11 – you have gotten them to become your customer, your buyer, and potentially a raving fan who promotes you on social media and buys everything you offer.

Or at least purchases a product now and then.

6.5. Add the secret sauce

    • Regardless of which of the above six possibilities you use on your thank you page, I would encourage you to also show your personality.

If it fits you and your business, inject some humor. Use a funny photo or cartoon to express just how appreciative you are that they subscribed.

Use your own photo to build rapport. Make it look amazing and memorable with the help of a graphic artist.

Remember, your thank you page is prime real estate for building rapport, so don’t blow it.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps


Do You Have Successive Approximations?


Do You Have Successive Approximations?

Ever notice how the various professions create new terms to try to make us feel stupid?

I hope you don’t do that to your readers. And if you catch me doing it, slap me. Please.

Now then… a “successive approximation” is a rather silly term for a psychological trigger that you, as a marketer, really should know…

Because it can put money in your pocket.

Here’s what it is in a nutshell:

Once someone has performed an action – no matter how small – they’re more likely to continue performing additional actions that are in line with the first action.

In fact, they might even feel obligated to go along with larger requests.

So when someone has just given you their email address on your squeeze page, they are more likely to buy your $7 ebook than someone who hasn’t given their email address.

And when that person buys your $7 ebook, they are more likely to buy your $47 product, as so forth.

That first act of giving their email address creates a bond between them and you, and they feel obligated to continue taking action.

As marketers, we call this the ‘foot in the door approach.’

And it’s why we don’t start out selling $1,997 courses to strangers.

The takeaway: Keep this rule in mind for all of your marketing, not just sales funnels.

Getting people to take a small action such as sharing your post, liking your picture, replying to your tweet, filling out your survey and so forth is your foot in the door.

Now your job is to keep asking and let your prospects and customers keep saying yes.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps


How to Make Daily Money from Freebie Seekers

Here’s a clever idea for making money with your list:

Making Daily Money from Freebie Seekers

You have a list of buyers and a list of prospects, right?

Rent out your list of prospects to product owners, advertising their “Product of the Day.”

This is different, because nearly all solo ad sellers won’t let ad buyers send traffic directly to a sales page – they have to send it to a squeeze page.

But some product sellers want to focus only on getting sales, which is where your “Product of the Day” series comes in.

Each day, you rent your list of prospects to product owners. You’re not sacrificing your own buyers, and you’re giving marketers a chance to make sales directly from your list, using your good name for added credibility.

It’s a nice way to monetize all those freebie seekers who for one reason or another aren’t attracted to your products.

Remember, just because they haven’t bought your product yet doesn’t mean they won’t be enticed by someone else’s product.

On a day that you don’t sell an ad to your list, you could promote affiliate products… The sky is the limit!

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps


Are You Finally Ready to Succeed Online?

Today I want to share with you a Brand New System to Make Money Online Without Selling or Promoting. A Fully Automated Passive Income system for you. This results oriented team was created for those who struggle to refer paying members. Our experienced “Team Leads” do ALL the marketing for you so you make money.

Are you sick and tired of doing everything alone? Do you struggle to enroll paying members to your offers? If your answer is YES then it is time to try something different and finally succeed.

Join a proven money making program with zero promoting on your part, if that is you I would highly suggest you check out this “Done for You” profit system below and join ASAP…

– NO recruiting required, we do this for you.

– We build your marketing funnels but this is not required.

– We write all of your ads for you but this is not required.

– We advertise for you and your team every day.

– You send out one email and we show you how but this is not required.

– You get only paying members placed under you.

– We turn 30 dollars into $2100/mo for you.

Click Here to Check it Out!

Think about how many different ways there are to make an online income these days. The opportunities are endless! But there’s so much competition. So when an opportunity like this comes along in a $138 Billion Dollar Industry….. It is difficult to ignore!

One of the things I firmly believe in is living life to the fullest.

Oh yes! Life is to be enjoyed TODAY, not delayed for 20 years as life is too short for that!

There are many people who stash away nearly “every penny” they earn because they fear their life will eventually outlive their nest egg.

Which is a bit sad to me.

How so? Well, I don’t mean to judge here.

But, many seem to be building nice savings up, but you’d think they were poor and penniless by the way they live!

They’re not truly ENJOYING their life, by Investing in the experiences they want to experience while they still can.

And I think that’s where we should start, so we can live a fulfilling life.

Now while you’re reading this and considering this great opportunity, here are a few questions you should be seriously be thinking about.

 *What do YOU want now?

*Where would you like to go?

*Who would you like to see?

Not in 10 or 20 years. This year or even in the next few month.
Now here’s what’s great… To get there, it just isn’t too hard by taking advantage of this “Done For You” opportunity.

You can start having the experiences you want to today, and not delaying it for 10 to 20 plus years down the road.

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If that isn’t a win-win situation I don’t know what is. It doesn’t get any easier than this…


How to Increase ‘Subscribes’ and Open Rates with One Word

Instead of using the phrase, “mailing list,” use “alert” instead.


Do people want to join your mailing list?

Not really.

But do they want to be alerted to the latest news, products and so forth?

You bet!

So instead of asking people to subscribe to your list… (yawn)

…ask them if they want to be alerted to breaking news and products (wow!)

Then send them a daily email with the latest news and yes, the latest PRODUCTS.

Your subscribe rate will be higher…

…your open rate will be higher…

…and your unsubscribe rate will be lower, too.

Alert your audience to what’s HOT, and what’s working now, and your opt-in rate and subscriber loyalty will increase significantly.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps


Punch THROUGH Your Income Goals

When you learn martial arts or most any form of fighting, one of the techniques they teach you is to punch through your opponent. What does this have to do with making money online you ask? Keep on reading to find out…

Punch THROUGH Your Income Goals

For example, instead of aiming to punch your opponent’s face, you aim to punch a point just behind their head.

This gives your punch much more force, because your target is well beyond their face. You need more effort to make it happen.

And in exerting more effort, you make your punch stronger.

Plus, if your target is their nose, you will subconsciously pull your punch, meaning your fist will actually slow down as it approaches its mark.

Now then, let’s say your income goal is $1,000 a week. Instead of aiming for $1,000, aim for $1,500.

You will have to work harder to reach this goal and push further, with higher expectations. All of which will lead to a better result.

And even if you ‘pull your punch’ before you hit $1500, you will still exceed the $1,000 goal. I know this sounds strange, but try it.

I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at your results.

So, if you are still wondering “Why should I start making money from home” you should really be asking how soon can I start? Check out the program below for an honest way to make money online. It is working for me…

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Make Your First $100,000 Online in as Little as 30 Minutes Per Day, With Just 3 Super Simple PROVEN Steps

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